Mary 2010: Buying time?

The Mary situation remains dire, but she did beat the model for 2010.

The name Mary is in tough shape, having fallen out of the top 100 for U.S. girls for the first time ever in 2009. However, with the release of the new data for 2010, I can report that she outperformed my dire model, falling only to position #109, better than the expected #115.6.

Here are the updated figures:

My rocket science now predicts she will drop out of the top 1,000 in 2052 instead of 2046. And things could still turn around. From 1986 to 1994 it appeared Mary might be stabilizing, which in the case of Emma in the 1970s, for example, led to a dramatic turnaround and meteoric rise — from #450 to #3 today.

But I’m still mostly just bowled over that out of 2 million girls born, we can predict the number of Marys born to within 22! (That is, if the decline had continued at 8% per year – as it did for the past 5 years – there would have been 2,848 born in 2010. Instead there were 2,826.)

13 thoughts on “Mary 2010: Buying time?

  1. Well — any more — I think Marys are only born in families that are dedicated to the name. Which would seem to increase predictability.


  2. It’s such a grand old name! I hate to see it decline. It’s still alive and well in my family…

    Mary Angerer


    1. I just love the name Mary. I wonder why more girls are not named Mary, It is a beautiful name.
      To a Little Girl named Mary

      What a precious name you carry.
      Little maid with eyes of blue
      Just to think dear Mother Mary
      Shares her holy name with you.

      Sweetest name in all the ages
      Loved of God and loved of man
      Honored by all saints and sages
      Ever since the world began

      Praised by countless voices ringing
      In the bright celestial choirs
      Blessed by little children singing
      Hyms of thanks and fond desires

      Gracious with a grace supernal
      Lovely as a morn in May
      With a grace that is eternal
      this the name you bear today

      Tis a priceless jewel you carry
      Little girl with eyes so blue
      Yet I know dear Mother Mary
      Gladly shares her name with you.

      By M H Kennedy


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