Interview with Judith Stacey on the foundations of feminism in academia

I had the privilege of interviewing Judith Stacey for the Annex Sociology Podcast. Joseph Cohen asked me if I had any ideas for guest hosting the podcast, and this had been on my mind for a while -- the cohort of women who brought feminism into academia in the 1960s and 1970s. In the ongoing…

Naomi Wolf and sharing our lanes

Bruce Stokes / other day, in response to the Naomi Wolf situation, I tweeted in response to Heather Souvaine Horn, an editor at the New Republic: After which she invited my to submit an essay to the site. It's now been published as: Learn the Right Lessons from Naomi Wolf’s Book Blunder: Expertise…

Michael Kimmel’s American Sociological Association Award

UPDATE: I am disappointed to report that the American Sociological Association did not follow this advice, and announced Kimmel as the winner of this award at their annual meeting award ceremony -- while falsely claiming that he was "unable" to be there. How the American Sociological Association can stop Michael Kimmel from winning the Jessie…