Is race structural racism?

Academics argue about terminology (DALL-E) On Twitter, conservative shitposter @RogueWPA writes (over several tweets): About 5-10 years ago I noticed on sociology blogs and sociology twitter, people would occasionally object to describing statistical associations with race on grounds that a beta for race is really a racism effect. "Your race effect is really a structural…

Names further down the drain in 2021: Alexa, Karen, and Mary

Amazon continued its assault on real people named Alexa in 2021, degraded the cultural value of the name through association with its robot servant product. The trend in girls given the name Alexa is very dramatic: I've been writing about the Alexa trend since 2018. You can see the previous posts here. I would also…

Race and racism in America (video)

In my Social Problems class we're spending the next few weeks on race, racial inequality, and racial politics. Step one is this lecture on race and racism. After a tangent on racial identity, idealism and its enemies, I address biology and race, describing the classic racist racial categories in relation to vast human diversity in…

Health disparities and COVID-19 lecture

Update: I posted a revised version of this lecture, with new facts, here. For Social Problems, an introductory level sociological course, I gave a lecture that combines an introduction to health disparities and some issues of disparate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's 23 minutes. Some slides and links below. The first half describes…